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Practice Areas Continued

Prenuptial Agreements


Joesph Gulino Jr. Esq. is experienced at customizing prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements for couples that legally describe each party's assets, debts, and property rights, as well as how property division and spousal support is handled in the event of termination of the marriage. The structure and language of such agreements must be extremely precise and within the laws of New York State to withstand legal challenge.


Custody Law in NY


​New York law requires that the courts must make custody decisions based upon the best interests of the child, but judges generally rule without ever getting to know the children in question or even the parties to the litigation. Courts rely on witness testimony, reports from forensic experts and other types of evidence. In short, planning and preparing for child custody litigation needs to start from the get go, even if you do not intend on needing extended litigation or a trial.  Contact us to further discuss your child custody matter and the legal options available under New York State Law.



Child & Spousal Support


New York’s child and spousal support statutes and caselaw may provide for specific formulas and calculations, however, despite the general belief there is little discretion for a Court to rule beyond that, there are, in reality, many legal arguments that can be advanced to the contrary. Whatever your position may be in terms of the various forms of support covered by the child support and spousal support laws, contact us for a free  consultation to better understand your potential rights and obligations thereunder.



Family Offenses, Orders of Protection, and Neglect/Abuse


Many times during this type of litigation, parties must quickly explain their situation to an Court with a crowded docket (number of cases on the calendar) many times with little choice but to leave the specifics of a case for a trial down the line.   Needless to say, no matter which side of your are on, waiting even one day to get that day in Court can feel like a lifetime and have serious ramifications. When it comes down not so much to what you say but how you say it and how quickly you can explain your emergency issue to the Court, underestimating the importance of an experienced and skilled litigation attorney is all too common.  Should you have an urgent issue to bring to the Court, our office is available 24/7 and is fully mobile; we can meet at locations convenient for you and have a quick turn around time so that you can get before a judge as quickly as your situation may necessitate 



Assisted Reproductive Technology




Assisted reproductive technology includes medical procedures used primarily to address infertility.  From disputes related to surrogacy, maternity/paternity and equitable estoppel/presumption of legitimacy, to issues arising when couples file for divorce but have embryos in cryopreservation, contact us today for a free consultation as to the complex and nuanced laws related to this cutting edge technology.     



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